Glacsweb reconnaissance study (completed)

An understanding of glacier response to climate change is important for models of sea level change and the planning of hydroelectric schemes. Current models have failed to predict the current rapid melting of the Greenland ice sheets because we understand very little about the subglacial environment. The aim of this project was to investigate the suitability of Midtdalsbreen for the installation of a glacial environmental sensor network to study glacial processes and in particular in situ subglacial processes.

The Glacsweb project would provide technology capable of collecting the data necessary for the careful monitoring and investigation of glacial processes in remote and fragile landscapes. The availability of live data on the web would allow the public to gain an understanding of how climate change is affecting the Arctic.

The outlet glacier Middalsbreen, Hardangerjøkulen

The research objectives are:

1. To undertake a reconnaissance study to check the suitability of the site, including the communications aspects for the system, as well as the glaciological, geological and safety requirements.

2.To carry out a study of glacial geomorphology and sedimentology of Midtdalsbreen. This will provide preliminary data on subglacial processes (e.g. presence of deformation structures, erosional textures, glacial stratigraphy, till genesis).

Tags: sub-glacial, climate change, hydrochemistry, glaciology, Hardangerjøkulen
Published Aug. 16, 2013 3:31 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2013 4:40 PM
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